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Nominations now open for Distinguished Alumni Award

The USD 250 Foundation is accepting nominations now for the Distinguished Alumni Award that will be given next spring in conjunction with Pittsburg High School Commencement. 

Nominations are due Dec. 31.

The Foundation established the award to recognize Pittsburg High School graduates who have distinguished themselves through their work, personal accomplishments, or in the lives of others. These individuals serve to inspire students to greater achievement.

To be eligible, alumni must have graduated from PHS 10 years or more prior to the nomination. They should have made a significant contribution of time, talent, or effort to their profession, community, country, or the world; be of high moral character which serves as a positive example to others; have demonstrated leadership in activities that promote the greater good; and have achievements that leave a lasting and positive effect.

To nominate someone, complete the online form.

The recipient will be recognized at a reception at Pittsburg High School the afternoon before Commencement in May, will be recognized during commencement, and will be recognized on a plaque to be displayed at Pittsburg High School.

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